Friday, March 16, 2007

March Madness for geeks

Because everyone else is doing it ...

The Monkey picks his flicks

I sure hope you all don't suddenly take a mind to go leaping off any cliffs or anything.

Ook ook


Kos said...

23 correct in the first round -- not a bad showing so far. Now go over to Boiled Dinner and start bitching like everyone else!

Anonymous said...

So, ah, if I wanted to participate in this, what would I do? Delete everything except the left and right columns? Or are those not constants as is?

The Fez Monkey said...

Sorry, lunaic ... as far as I can tell you had to be in it from the beginning. But the discussions are (I think) open to all. Go to to check in on the fun and frolic.

Ook ook

Kos said...

What Fez said!