Get used to it,

Oh, the owners of the property also just finished construction of a rather extravagant outdoor addition, complete with benches and a few “sculptures” (if you consider a giant cement sphere and a long piece of shale positioned on end to be sculpture), surrounded by grass and some shade trees. The area is in the shape of an oval, and covers close to 100 square yards. The design is sort of maze-like, with bench arrays placed here and there, some at right angles and others almost making a small square. The idea (as near as I can tell) is to provide space for a large number of people (looks like 100 could fit there easily), while maintaining a veneer of intimacy within any little bench grouping. Pretty clever, actually.
Essentially, it seems the ideal place to sit, chow down a couple of tacos, maybe do a bit of reading, and just relax while enjoying the sun.
That is, it would have been. See, one thing conspicuously absent in the design and implementation of the new lunch area was ashtrays. The place is totally devoid of them. There is an area on another part of the grounds which serves the smokers – complete with many benches and plenty of ashtrays.
So, where do you think the smokers go?

Yep. They’re climbing all over the new lunch area like ants over a sugar cube. No ashtrays? Well, gee, that must be why god invented pavement. Or grass. Or benches. Or Styrofoam cups with a little bit of coffee remaining into which the butt can be doused and the whole packaged dumped into the nearby trash can. Or, just left on the ground. Or on the bench.
And smokers wonder why they are hated.
Ook ook.
Gross. But! You have a Daphne's. That is so cool. We have a yucky greasy grill, a Thai place I'm totally sick of, a boring sandwichy coffee shop, and Taco Rat I mean Bell. It's actually a good thing cuz I'm motivated to stock the freezer with Lean Cuisines every week and save $$. And I stay inside away from horrid smokers and nasty perfumed women.
I have to hold my hands up and admit that i do the cigarette butt into the coffee styrofoam cup thing. I apologise.
I'm NOT going to apologize for putting out butts in beverage containers. People don't like that? For real? Why? They wanted the backwash for a voodoo experiment?
I'm Marlboro's bitch and don't apologize for that either. I also don't blow smoke in people's faces, nor put out the cigs on the ground, or wing them out the car window.
If I'm hated, then tough shit. I'll cope.
So there.
I think the point was that there is a smoking area and an eating area, and the smokers are in the wrong area. I'm not one of them, but a lot of people can't handle smoke when they're eating, even though they may nopt mind the smoke when they're not eating.
And I'm with Paula.... for close-by food, we bhave Booger King and Carl's Jr, which is a good burger but not every damn day. I usually bring lunch too.
I don't smoke but I'm sick of people who whine about people who do. I mean, if I'm out with Wife and she makes a nasty face at someone's second-hand smoke, I figure we're all now about even in the rudeness department.
Cig people who don't litter are cool with me.
I work in a similar soul-trap. Except it's a vast company-owned campus so there's no food within walking distance except as slopped up at the company store. I can get to any pastel-stuccoed faux hispanic food court anytime I want if I'm willing to burn some gasoline.
paula: Lean cuisine? Hrmph. I mean, I'd understand if you needed to drop a few lbs ...
lucy: Don't apologize, but don't leave them on the bench. Or the ground.
rl: Hated is such a strong word. *kisses*
Joe: Yah. That was kind of the point. Though when I can I do opt for time in a smoke-free area.
Don: I suppose it depends on just how nasty a face your wife can make.
Ook ook
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