Monday, July 30, 2007

A Noble Spirit Embiggens the Smallest Man

I've been a Simpson's fan since their days as ugly line drawings in three-minute shorts on the Tracy Ullman show. I taped every episode since the very first one, bought the action figures, read the books (even the "real" ones like The Simpson and Philosophy, and Planet Simpson), and have devotedly obtained the DVDs.

Yeah, I'm a geek.

So naturally when the opportunity came to see what I would look like as a Springfieldianite, well, how could I refuse. Here is me, Simpsonized:
The Simpsonized Monkey

Now, when I saw this, I didn't think it was right. I always fancied myself as being a bit more ruggedly handsome than this. I mean, this guy looks like a dork. However, when the MonkeyWife saw it she burst out laughing and assured me this was almost frighteningly accurate. My friends agreed. Now, not being our Idiot Boy-King, I don't blindly cling to a belief when all those around me say the opposite, so I have come to embrace my cromlulent, Simpsonized self.

You can do yourself at Simpsonize Me.

Ook ook.


Joe the Troll said...

I did it a couple weeks back, but REALLY didn't se the match. Maybe I'll show it to a friend and see what happens

Falling on a bruise said...

Love all things Simpsons so in about 5 seconds after i click the publish button i will Simpsonising myself.

Constance Kent said...

What does "cromlulent" mean? Do you mean "corpulent" (if so, I doubt it). Anyway, I'm an English teacher, I get all OCD when I don't know a word...

The Fez Monkey said...

Joe: Please share.

Lucy: Please share.

Constance: You are obviously not a Springfieldianite.

Cromulent (krom'-yoo-lent) adj. Coined in Simpsons episode 3F13 (season 7), "Lisa the Iconoclast."
<1>. Valid, acceptable, normal, reasonable. 2. Excellent, outstanding, better than expected. 3. Authentic, realistic, true to life.

Ook ook

Paula said...

They don't like my photos, so fuck 'em. And, and I didn't get a donut either. ~sniffle!

Anonymous said...

It was a different site I was on before, it didn't require a pic. I don't have a digital pic of myself. Perhaps O'Tim has one he could e-mail me?