Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The Age of Fear

So, it’s been a while, eh? I know, you all missed me terribly – at least the two of you who do still occasionally drop by. Thanks for that. Loyalty like yours will be rewarded, but then again it is its own reward, so it doesn’t really mean much.

How can I say something like that? Well, first off, I live in the time of Bush II, where loyalty means compulsory unquestioning obedience and slavish acquiescence to authority. Second, I’ve also worked for several major corporations, where loyalty (at least their loyalty to employees) is essentially a four-letter word.

Yeah, I know a thing or two about loyalty, Scooter. The only loyal thing in life is your dog, and even they can be swayed by a stranger with some particularly aromatic meat.

Mmmm … aromatic meat!

Loyalty, like any other commodity, can be bought and sold – and usually on the cheap. The “what have you done for me lately” school of thought is definitely in swing. Or, maybe rapidly shifting allegiance is due to the fact that people are easily manipulated by slick-talking hucksters who promise that bigger and better is just around the corner. Nah, that can’t be it. If that were the case Prince George wouldn’t be destroying the country with his second term. That slimy bastard won through fear and intimidation. Don’t believe me? Then tell me how many times since the election have we had any announcements of terror alerts changing the color from ochre to mauve.

Yeah, that’s what I thought. The currency of loyalty is fear and horror. You don’t stay at your job because you like it, or because you are being treated so well, you stay because you fear unemployment. If someone came along with an offer paying you 5% more, you’d leave. Andyou idiots voted for Bush because you believed those insipid lies about how the other guy would immediately put us in danger.

Maybe that’s the true legacy of Bush II: bringing us The Age of Fear. Today we compare things on the negative, and go with what or who promises the swiftest, most painless death. The future? Screw the future, we are suffering in the now. How can I worry about how bad it will be tomorrow when I am concerned with surviving today.

No wonder TV is filled with advertisements of pharmaceutical bliss.

Good grief, I need a beer.

Ook ook.

PS: Yeah, I know, this made no sense. So what. Despite the protestations of others who desperately want to believe there is something of substance to blogging, it really is little more than public onanism. So, excuse me for indulging myself.


Anonymous said...

"If someone came along with an offer paying you 5% more, you’d leave."

Speaking of which, how's the new job going?

O' Tim said...

Mmmm … aromatic meat!

This, to a dog, is redundant.

blogging... is little more than public onanism

...and often onanonanonanism (NOT that there's anything wrong with that).

Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

Rut roh...someone needs him some vanilla ice cream.

This entry made sense in a round a bout way. Sort of unspokingly patted the 'two of you' that remain readers for their (our)loyalty---by depicting the converse. Yeah, what I said.

Politics has a way of making me insanely angry and depressed, so I can totally understand how this entry came about and took the turn that it did.

Keep on keepin' on, mon frere.

And kudos to the HST fan. LOVE me some HST.

The Fez Monkey said...

Joe: I'm waiting for an offer willing to pay 5% more.

Monk: I would have posted sooner, but I was too terrified that I would be accused of insulting someone. All your Bush talk has made me sad. Are you satisfied now?

Beeler: I have read KoF. I miss HST.

O'Tim: Keep in mind that dogs have an intensely well developed olfactory system, allowing them to discern very minute chemical differences in meats, urine, plastic, etc. Thus, they have as many barks for differing degrees of aromatic meat as Eskimos have words for snow.

Lunatic: You read far too much into what I write. I am fortunate I have a spell check (even if I don't use it as judiciously as I should), or I would look like one of the many Myspace idiots. Dat wud b 2 cool!

Ook ook

The Fez Monkey said...

PS: Looney, you are dead on ... I certainly do needs me some more vanilla ice cream. I miss it terribly, some days deeply and painfully. Sadly, I don't think I will be tasting it any time soon.


Anonymous said...

Dude, I am so lost. What in the hell does spellcheck have to do wit my comment?
'Splain, please?