Note: I initially wrote this a couple years back, after some insane geek shot up some high school somewhere. I think it was in
Ho hum. Another day, another slaughter in
Look, I am not making a joke of the fact that 31 kids died and a dozen or so more were wounded at Virginia Tech when yet another unbalanced geek with vengeance on his mind opened fire at school, but at this point I am just not surprised anymore. In fact, if a couple of months go by without a report of a disgruntled teen, or disgruntled worker, or disgruntled citizen trying to mow down others -- THEN I am surprised.
So, on April 16 an awkward kid showed up to school with two pistols and began shooting into a crowd of students during class – after first killing his girlfriend and her lover. Just another misfit finally snapping and exacting his revenge on others. We’ll probably learn that this kid was a loner, likely shy and an outcast, possibly even picked on and insulted by his peers, etc etc etc. The same litany of 20-20 hindsight with which we now could recognize him as a maniac while he was still a baby in the cradle. Nothing more to see here. Move along. Just another Monday in
Of course, the NRA, the political right, and other gun fetishists and apologists began their spin about this before the last victim gasped their last breath. They trot out the same old stale line that guns are not responsible for this tragedy, and began to dole out the blame to the kid, his parents, his friends, and of course, popular culture, while effectively absolving gun owners, lovers, manufacturers, and users of all guilt. And the gun lobby was quick to shrug their shoulder and wag their fingers in a paternalistic "I told you so." After all, guns don't kill people, people kill people. Not only that, but they’ll patronizingly tell us that the only sure way to avoid this sort of thing from ever happening again is if everyone carried a weapon. Because we know that the safest society is one in which everyone packs heat.
But the gun lover's rhetoric begs a very interesting question. How can we, as a society, point the finger at music, movies, books, and games for the slaughter in schools while the instruments of the slaughter remain beyond blame? Isn't that sort of logic flawed from the start? I mean, the violent aspect of pop culture that the far right continues to blame for these incidents tends to always revere guns as almost holy objects. There is a sick symbiosis at work here. The basic fact of gun existence breeds the sort of elements of pop culture that gun fetishists then claim is the cause of death. Surely, if a video game in which the player gets to use a variety of guns to get rid of virtual enemies is partly responsible, then the weapons that the player uses in the game must also be held to that standard?
Yet we continue to hear that guns are not the problem, sick people are. After all, gun fetishists always remind us how responsible they are with their weapons, and besides (all together now) if guns were outlawed only outlaws will have guns. Yeah, right. Here's a newsflash to gun fetishists: Most tragedies (including the shooting yesterday at Virgnina Tech) are not committed with illegal guns. Most of the workers who snap and go a-shootin' at the old office own their guns legally. The fact that gun fanatics use those tired old excuses day after day is a testament to their myopia.
But the biggest flaw in the old "Guns don't kill, people do" argument is simple. This kid could not have done what he did if he didn't have a gun. The two wild bastards in Columbine could not have done what they did with knives. The kids who shot up
But nothing will change. Gun fetishists will continue to bombard us with propaganda telling us how guns are not the problem while hypocritically placing culture on trial. There will be more cries for personal responsibility from the NRA, while they side-step the issue of responsibility for promoting a tool whose only purpose is to kill. We'll have another wave of laws and restrictions on the virtual renditions of violence in movies, music, games, and books while the objects that make real violence and shed real blood will continue to be marketed, sold, and loved.
Long live the gun.
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PS: The punchline to all this is, of course, the reaction of our idiot boy-king. Not 24 hours after this event he is there attending a memorial service, wearing his concerned face. Yet, it was nearly four days after
Totally agree. We'll never be able to get rid of guns here - it'll be the same as prohibition. USAns are in love with the fucking things. It's so amusing when some rightie starts blathering about the "causes" of this. Oh, if only parents didn't give kids everything the wanted bla bla too much pressure to be perfect yada yada videogames etc. We'll just have to accept the occasional shooting spree as we do the 40,000+ deaths on the road every year cuz we luvs us our fast automobiles.
Excellent deconstruction of some of the flawed logic present in this, Fez. But Paula's right - we'll NEVER be able to get rid of guns, here or anywhere. It's depressing the way these young lives have been rubbed out.
I'm not an NRA member or a gun owner, but your thesis begs the question "If guns alone are responsible, why did kids just start shooting up schools 20 years ago? If there is no societal cause, how do you explain that this is a relatively new occurance, compared to the amount of time when guns have been available?"
It sounds to me like you're doing the very same thing you're complaining about, only in reverse. Do you think, perhaps, that a COMBINATION of causes might be at work here, and that both sides have a point? After all, gang violence kills far more people than this every year, just not all at one place and time, and most of those guns are NOT gotten legally. I'm not sure your argument addresses the bigger picture.
I am with you on this one fez, guns are scary, deadly things and it amazes me that despite all these slaughters over the past few decades, the gun laws there are as lax as ever.
Is the NRA that powerful?
Paula & O'Tim: I agree ... guns now are so firmly a part of our culture that getting rid of them would be next to impossible. But my point is that as pollyanna as the "left" (for lack of a better category) is in terms of beliving that strict gun control will solve all our ills, the "right" constantly telling us that guns are pure and good and simply misunderstood is just as ridiculous.
Joe I think you missed (part) of my point. Guns aren't the only problem, but gun fetishists seem to think they aren't even a part of the equation, and go to any length to absolve those things of any responsibility.
And as to whether these massacres are a relatively new occurrance or not, I would be very interested in seeing some sort of comparison of these mass murders to the prevalence of guns, the explosion of new and better guns, and the popularization of guns. I mean, in the 50's you had Saturday Night specials with six rounds and slow, manual reloading. Now you have semi-automatic Glock 9mm pistons with 19-round magazines with reloading as simple as slapping in a new one. Makes fast killing much easier.
Lucy, my personal feeling is one of revulsion toward guns, but as I've said at your place, American holds guns as the only thing really sacred. 1st Amendment be damned, the 2nd Amendment has made guns the official US religion.
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