I mentioned this to a friend of mine, and, between sips of his beer, he casually wondered that since I am basically an arrogant and annoying swine, does that therefore make me a genius.

The question, I must admit, took be a bit by surprise, and after hitting him in the back of the head with an empty, I thought it deserved a bit of exploration.
Could the Monkey be a genius?
Yeah, I hear you laughing. And I admit, it is kind of funny. But still, it does bear investigation.
After tossing my buddy a small towel to help staunch the flow of blood from his new wound, we ambled over to the computer to try and answer the question by taking one of the many online IQ tests currently available.
Now, a quick disclaimer is in order. I don’t put a huge amount of stock in these tests. Aside from being only somewhat accurate in their assessment of education, they do tend to be both culturally and socio-economically biased. After all, there is nothing in any of them that measures intuitive intelligence, or practical knowledge, or the ability to apply theory to reality.
Okay, enough of that. You want the meat. It’s coming, Pilot, it’s coming. Just hang tight.
The test itself was little more than standardized boilerplate. You know, the typical SAT nonsense such as deciding whether ebullient compares closer to orgiastic or sullen if dyspeptic compares to lacrimose, or the ever present wondering about patterns and which would fit next.
I sat down and answered each question, rewarding myself after each one with some beer, as if I were some chicken getting a pellet for pecking at the correct button after a little buzzer sounded. There were 50 questions in all, so I had my friend wobble over to the fridge twice to ensure I had sufficient reward. All work and no play can make the Monkey quite irritable.
Mmmm ... Pellet!
By the time the test was near the end, however, I was getting a little distracted. Suffering from a subdural hematoma, my friend was beginning to babble incoherently about sunshine and wombats, making it difficult for me to concentrate. It was obvious I would need to use a series of finger jabs and pivot kicks to make sure he didn’t pass out before his brain swelling subsided, and I didn't have a lot of time. This was my friend, after all, and as much fun as it would be to see him in a coma, I felt sorry for the bastard.
Swollen Brain
Fortunately, I ran through the last few questions, about how many houses 30 people could paint in a month and whether kangaroos belonged in a circle jerk with a collection of ruminants.
The result (admit it, that’s what you were all waiting for) is that the Monkey has an IQ of 137. According to the site, that puts me in the “superior intelligence” cohort, but not a genius.
Ook ook
I got a 144 and prefer pr0n to Proust. *shurgs*
IQ sucks big fetid eggs. That guy who I talked about (the one who invited himself on my holiday and acts like a retard) was in mensa when he was 15. 'nuff said.
Paula: I guess that means you took an easier version of the test than I did. I mean, what other reason could there be for our relative scores??
Bowel: That guy sounds like a tool. In a totally unrelated note, how's that planning going for your SoCal vacation?
Monk: I've always found adult themed entertainment to be the realm of the bigger brained. Hence Paula's fascination. But your job sounds fascinating. Do you have to do much research?
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